Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Websites Marketing Search Engine Optimisation Definitive Guide Part1

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO basically means getting your website to rank as high as possible in the search results without having to pay anything to the search engine and with this document no need to pay anyone!

How Is It Done?

Effective SEO is achieved by having a complete knowledge of the integral workings of the internet and expert knowledge of how to process this information and put it in place. There are a number of key factors that contribute to the success of your website, most notably Quality & Relevance and Popularity.

1) Quality: This covers things such as the folder structure of your site, site content, descriptions and keywords, ease of use and navigation. Relevance: Relevance generally refers to things such as your domain name, amount of content, external links from your site and your keywords and descriptions.

61% of small businesses with a website spend less than three hours per week marketing their website on and offline.

Things to consider:

Inbound Links (Who links to you?)

Site Build Quality

Meta Tags

Folder/URL Structure

Keywords And Description

Search Engine Submission

Quality of Competitors

Site Content

2) Popularity: We do not mean how many visits you get here (that is a large misconception) we mean who links to your website from their website e.g. industry sites, business directories etc.

Following the above method you should start to see results within days as opposed to months and be able to track your traffic to see your success.

Quality & Relevance

Quality refers to the following areas of your website

1) Site Structure

2) Site Content

3) Navigation

4) External Links

Site Structure

The first thing to consider is obviously the domain name you choose. It is important for corporate identity and protects your brand to buy at least the .com and .co.uk for your company name but before starting your consumer facing website think about the relevance of your company name vs your product range.

For example if your company name is My Company Ltd and you sold building materials, is www.mycompany.com the right domain name to use or would buildingmaterials.com be better?

A good idea is to have both, the first for a corporate website describing your business and history etc. and a domain name that better describes your actual products for an ecommerce enabled site.

Another option is use a subdomain of your corporate website such as http://buildingmaterials.mycompany.com.

For static websites the structure of your website is vital when it comes to search engines visiting your site, it needs to be setup in a way that the 'spiders' can easily find their way around and understand what they are looking at.

Firstly make sure that where possible your page names reflect their content e.g. a page about lawnmowers should not be called 'producⵜ.html' but be called 'lawnmowers.html'. This then also applies to your folders on your web server, for the same example this should be something like http://www.mycompany.com/gardening-products/lawnmowers.html

Notice the separating of the folder/category title in this example being 'gardening-products' as opposed to 'gardeningproducts' adding the '-' makes the URL clearer and easier to read. For page titles and images separate words with either '_' or '-', avoid using spaces as these are replaced by '%20' in the internet browsers.

Do note this does not apply to dynamically created websites such as most hosted online shops.


You should also include a sitemap.xml file on the root of your server. This is essentially a simply formatted text file that provides information about all of the pages in your website in one file.

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websites marketing: Websites Marketing

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com